Austin's Pleasure Read online

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  The clerk smiled. "Don't worry, Miss McKinnon. Look around you. You will fit right in."

  Kari sighed and looked around. The woman was right. Everywhere people were dressed similarly, in bright island colors and in all types of outfits. Kari was just not used to looking sexy. And, she was very sexy. The sarong fit her like a glove, accenting long, elegant legs and a rounded bosom. She muttered softly under her breath. "I guess I can live with this. Well, here I go."

  She walked out of the shop and slowly stepped into the lobby of the hotel to see if she would get a reaction. She held her head up in a regal manner and one would have thought an island princess had just entered the hotel. Heads turned and a few whistles followed. Kari smiled to herself. Yes, this trip had been worth it and she still had over two weeks left. Maybe she'd get lucky, and run into Mr. Austin DuQuaine again.

  "Miss McKinnon. Kari. Kari McKinnon."

  Kari froze in mid step. She hadn't really expected to hear his voice again. In fact, truthfully, she thought the tall, handsome man had forgotten her five minutes after the incident at the airport. But she hadn't forgotten him, or the effect he'd had on her in that heartbeat of the instant they'd met at the airport. Kari twisted around, catching the heel of her sandal on the edge of an enormous rug. Arms flailing, she started to lose her balance, falling right into the arms of Austin DuQuaine.

  "Honey, I didn't expect you to greet me with so much enthusiasm." Austin, laughing with that deep, sexy southern drawl of his, caught her before she fell.

  Kari could have died on the spot. She was totally embarrassed again at her clumsiness. Her cheeks flamed as she peered at his arms around the waist of a suddenly, very flimsy dress. Her light, carmine hair and wild flowers were falling in every direction. God, he must think I’m really easy dressed so provocatively! And I was acting like it too!

  She regained her balance, rapidly disengaging herself from his arms. Just having his arms around her made Kari's heart race as if she'd just run a twenty-six mile marathon. Hoping he couldn't see the devastating effect he'd had on her, Kari took a deep breath to calm herself.

  Kari noticed his dark brown eyes were appraising her with a hint of amusement and approval. She nearly passed out, trying to catch her breath. It wasn't fair that a man could look so good. Dressed in tight jeans, a tee shirt, cowboy boots and a Stetson, he looked like the hero out of a western movie.

  "Mr. DuQuaine. I'm so embarrassed. I must seem like such a klutz. Every time I see you, I'm practically knocking you over. I'm so sorry."

  Every time! Every time! How stupid! I’ve only seen him once before. What was she thinking? No, she wasn't thinking. Yes, she was thinking. No. Oh dear, what was she thinking? Folding her arms across her chest, she suddenly felt naked under his blatant, steady gaze. She rubbed her arms nervously.

  "Miss McKinnon, I accept your apology. Mmm…klutz is not the word I would, uh, use in describing you. I should've caught your attention before I said anything. Actually, I didn't know if you would remember me."

  Not remember him? Not remember the most gorgeous hunk she’d ever seen? She'd thought of no one else as she'd fallen asleep each night.

  He continued in that sexy, southern drawl. "I stopped by to see if you would care to have lunch with me? I would've gotten in touch with you sooner, but I had business to take care of." She blushed a deep rose noticing that Austin could hardly keep his eyes from drinking in her entire body.

  "That would be really nice. I...I think that I would like to change first if you wouldn't mind, Mr. DuQuaine." Kari's arms unconsciously tightened around her chest. His hungry look startled her. Or was it her imagination?

  "As a matter of fact, you look great just as you are. C'mon. Let's go." He didn't give her time to protest as he took her elbow, steering her toward a patio restaurant in the hotel. "Call me Austin, will you please? Mr. DuQuaine is so formal, and I'd like to start our relationship on a more casual note."


  Austin stopped in front of a table for two, away from the rest of the crowd. He'd held on to her elbow rather tightly, to still the shaking of his hand. The zap was there again. Relationship! What is it about this particular woman that made him think of a relationship? A forever relationship. Suddenly, Austin DuQuaine, hard nose business man and computer expert extraordinaire, wasn't so sure about himself under these unexpected circumstances. He turned his thoughts back to the present situation.

  "Is this table all right with you?"

  Kari could only nod her head. Austin took her breath away with his gorgeous, no beautiful, features, and his very authoritative manner. Yet, he didn't seem demanding. He was in charge, but in a non-threatening way. And, she could listen to him talk forever.

  Sliding the chair out for her, Austin swept his hand toward the seat. Removing his hat, the young man sat down opposite of Kari, smiling directly into her eyes. A subtle glance held hers captive for the merest moment. Then, just as easily, he released her gaze.

  "As I was saying, Kari. May I call you that? Kari. It sounds like a gentle ocean breeze when you say it. Are you planning on vacationing here for a time?"

  Kari's heart was pounding so hard she could hardly answer him. Things like this just didn't happen to her. He was so handsome, that she could hardly stand it. The thoughts that were crossing her mind were hardly those of someone usually so modest and.... well, not that kind of girl. Taking a deep breath, Kari hastily reasserted her somewhat shaky poise.

  "Of course, I don't mind you calling me Kari. Though, I've never had my name compared to an ocean breeze before. It's...It's rather flattering Mr. DuQuaine...Austin. And, yes, I'll...I'm going to be here a few weeks..." Her voice trailed off as she bent her gaze toward the floral centerpiece on the table, a warm flush creeping up the back of her neck.

  "I bet you get a lot of compliments like that." The charming young Texan leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed across his muscular chest.

  "Well, not really." More like, can you make it to the coffee machine without knocking something over. She glanced up, shooting him a quirky, wry grin.

  "I suppose that if I tell you that you are an extremely beautiful woman, you will tell me that no one has ever said that to you before, either."


  Austin's voice was suddenly laced with the DuQuaine cockiness and sarcasm. He couldn't help himself. Old habits were hard to break. His eyes crinkled in satiric amusement as he waited for her reaction. He had heard and seen it all before with women. He knew their every little move like a book. She would blush again, batting her lashes, protesting his words, loving every minute of it. Actually, he hoped she wouldn't. Not with the way he was feeling about her.


  Kari did not like the direction this conversation was going. At the moment, Prince Charming, he wasn't.

  "I'm not sure what you're getting at, Mr. DuQuaine."

  "Uh huh. Right. So, tell me then, what is it about you, that attracts men like flies to...honey. Your conversation or, may I say, that luscious body of yours.” Mmmm, a tougher nut to crack than he thought.

  Kari's emerald eyes turned stormy in an instant. She pushed her chair back, standing up stiffly. The sea in them was raging now. Mr. Austin DuQuaine was taken aback.

  "I didn't come out here with you to be insulted, Mister DuQuaine. In answer to your question, yes, I have been told I'm...I'm attractive. But, like you, they didn't really mean it." Kari's voice now held the sarcasm.

  "You didn't have to lie to me, to get me to like you. I liked you from the first moment I saw you. If you planned to flatter me so I'd go out with you, you certainly are going about it the wrong way. I would have liked you, as long as you were honest with me." The angry young woman stopped momentarily to catch her breath.

  "Don't patronize me. I'm not that kind of person. I'm honest, which is more than I can say for you, Mister DuQuaine. I guess I should have known it wouldn't be any different with you." She laughed ruefully. "I was hoping to see you again, although I didn't really ex
pect to. I can see I was utterly wrong about you."

  Then, before he could see the sea start to spill from her eyes, Kari whirled around and walked, almost ran through the maze of tables with her head held high, bumping into them as she stormed off the terrace.


  Silence ensued on the patio as Austin sat there, realizing his mistake immediately. This was not the way one made a person their lover. Suddenly he was in the hot seat, and he didn't like it. How stupid could he be? Hastily unwinding himself from the dainty table, he threw a fifty on the table and strode off the patio after her.

  As Kari reached the elevator, tears were already brimming around her eyes. Feeling anything but beautiful at the moment, the only thing she wanted to do right now was get to her room and away from everyone.

  Arms went around her and held her gently, but firmly. Austin steered her into the elevator as the doors opened. To the others already on the elevator, they looked like any other couple who were having a little tiff, and were making up.

  "Kari, sweetheart. Which floor?" He whispered in her ear.

  She leaned over and pressed two. Kari was doing her best to choke back the tears. "You're not fighting fair, Mr. DuQuaine. And I’m not your sweetheart!" It was a forced whisper through clenched teeth.

  "I know, darlin'." He kissed her neck. "I never fight fair. And the name is Austin, Kari."

  "What do you think you're doing?" She whispered, clutching his arms for dear life. “Who do you think you are??”

  "Kissing the most delectable neck, of a most unusual woman." He murmured other small affinities as he continued to nuzzle her neck. “I’m the man who adores you from the moment he saw you.”

  The elevator doors opened and the handsome Texan steered her out. He turned her around, still in his grasp. Cupping her face in his hands, he tilted her face to his. He bent his head, his mouth covering hers gently at first, then, more relentlessly. Kari melted into his arms. She could feel his arousal pressing against her heated body. When he took his mouth away, his lips pressed against her silky hair. He nibbled at the base of her ear, at the same time whispering for her to tell him the room number.

  Kari would have collapsed if he hadn't held her so firmly. Her knees locked together momentarily. He held her tightly as he guided her to the door of her suite. He loosened his grip slightly as she fumbled for her card. Finding it, she unlocked the door, still cradled in his arms. He pushed it open with his elbow and they nearly fell into the room. Kari tried to extricate herself from his firm grip.

  "Let me go."

  He obliged her. She backed away from him, tiny sniffles hitching her breath.


  Austin stood there staring at her, not knowing where to begin. She looked so vulnerable, like a little girl. She was beautiful. And sexy. Lord, she looked good with her flowered hair trailing down her back and those generous breasts barely contained in that dress. Wanting her badly, more that he'd ever wanted anyone, was driving him crazy. Austin needed to start over.

  "Kari, I'm sorry if I came on too strong. I didn't mean to patronize you. I meant what I said. You are beautiful, and if I'm the first one to say it and mean it, which I do, then I guess I'm the lucky guy. Please say that you will accept my apology and that I'm forgiven."

  Austin's eyes grew darker as Kari's widened nervously. He could see that she was unusually tense. He was getting the feeling that she was putting up a defense to protect herself. Not sure why, he intended to find out. Austin stepped toward her.

  "Austin please. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I don't know if I'm prepared to deal with you that way." Her jade eyes, pleading yet desirous, met his dark, passionate ones.

  "What way is that, darlin'?" Austin gently pulled her to him, his hand slipping behind her, cradling her lower back. His lips brushed against her waiting, full mouth.

  "You know. That way."

  "This way, Kari." He kissed her on the nose. "Or this way, Kari." He kissed her on the forehead. "Or this way, Kari." He kissed her on the lips again.

  "I don't remember. You pick one." She closed her eyes and parted her lips for more.

  Austin shook his head. "Uh, Kari. Open your eyes." Her eyes popped open wide.

  "What is it that you don't want me to do." He stared frankly at her.

  She blinked her eyes. He was so beautiful. His eyes. She could look in his eyes, forever. Kiss me you fool. "I like the way you kiss. It's nice." She closed her eyes and puckered up again.

  "Whatever you say, darlin'." His lips settled on hers.

  "Yes. Oh...yes." A deep sigh escaped from somewhere within her. A tiny crevice of her mind was about the only thing that was protesting his kiss. His mouth covered hers, his tongue urging her mouth open. Raising herself on her toes, Kari slipped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

  His hands casually undid her hair from its braid, bringing it forward, still entangled with flowers. It flowed down over her breasts nearly to her waist. All the while, his mouth never left hers. His hands traveled up her arms, tenderly caressing her shoulders. His lips moved to nuzzle her neck, buried in waves of silky, golden, red hair.

  Kari moaned and breathed his name. As his hands moved to cup her breasts, she caught her breath sharply. He fondled her gently, as his lips left her neck, leaving a trail of flaming kisses, meandering his way slowly down to the swell of her breasts.

  Kari's body was an inferno. This kissing was not exactly what she had in mind, but it felt....unklutzy. For once in her life she felt sexy. Letting her head fall back, her hands clinging to the back of his neck, she begged him with her body to take more of her.

  He lifted her to him, moving her against the wall for support. He placed fervent kisses on her supple breasts, his tongue flicking the firm nipples straining against the thin, flowered material, that was now barely clinging to her aroused body.

  A spiral of raw energy went from the tips of her breasts to her womb with such intensity, her slim legs dangled like those of a ragdoll. These were emotions she'd never experienced. Kari felt like she was drowning in them. She'd never been turned on like this.

  Kari's heart was beating so wildly, she could hardly breathe. He was molten lava against her own melting body. What am I He's going to think I'm a real slut Oh my God. What am I doing? This has got to stop, now! Bringing her hands down, she pressed against his muscular shoulders, whispering fiercely to put her down.

  Austin reluctantly released her, slowly slipping her down the length of his sweating body. At soon as she hit the floor she stumbled away, stepping on his feet in her haste to get as far away from him as she could. She was embarrassed by her own abandon, lack of control.

  "Mr. DuQuaine...Austin. Please. I can't...we...just met. We don't even know anything about each other. I…I didn't mean for this to happen." Kari closed her eyes hoping he wouldn't see the raw passion in them.

  Austin moved toward her, his dusky, blonde hair falling carelessly across his dark, luminous eyes. She could see this beautiful man was agitated by his own lack of control, and the raging fire she'd lit between them.

  "Kari, you didn't try to stop me. You wanted it to happen as much as I did. You did say yes."

  Kari, hugged her chest once again, trying to look nonchalant, but she knew Austin wasn't buying any of it.

  "Didn't you?" His voice was obstinate, yet tinged with a hint of amusement. Well, apparently very few, if any women said no to Austin DuQuaine. His tightened jaw said it all.

  "I know what I said, Austin. That's what I meant by that way. Kissing on the lips. Ummm. The neck was good too." She paused, closing her eyes again. "The rest, you know, is what I meant by that way.

  "Are you telling me that you didn't like that, Kari?"

  "I didn't say I didn't like it, Austin. I said I didn't think I was ready for more than a kiss. She hugged herself protectively. “I don’t usually even kiss on the first date.”

  Startled momentarily, he threw his head back and laughed loudly.

's so funny?" She eyed him cautiously.

  . You, Miss Kari McKinnon, are driving me nuts."

  "I'm not trying to drive you any way, Austin. I only meant I'm not like this…so impulsive on a first date...with anyone."

  Austin took her hands in his. "Kari. I had no right to kiss you that way after just meeting you. It was unfair of me to take advantage of you like that. I couldn't stop myself." He squeezed her hands gently. "Look at me, Kari. Look me in the eye. You haven't been, uh with many guys, have you?"

  Kari tried to look away but his dark eyes held hers as if she were under a magic spell. He shook her gently.

  "Have you?"

  Kari finally found her voice, but it sounded miles away to her, like an echo in a canyon. She broke his hold, walking to the window, rubbing her arms nervously, again.

  "It really shows, doesn't it." She heaved a great big sigh. "Only once and that was a long time ago. I'm not even sure I would know how know, do that right." Embarrassed, she drooped her head slightly. "I feel like such a dope." (rope a dope, rope a dope. Soap on a rope, dope on a rope) Her mind was singing nonsensical songs. "I'm just not the kind of person who just jumps into a relationship without knowing the other person, or without some kind of commitment. I've acted really badly. I'm so sorry, Austin." Turning back to the window, Kari shook her head, looking down at the floor.

  Austin walked over to her swiftly and turned her around, gently pulling her to him. She's sorry. It should me making the apology.